Thursday, February 28, 2008

Harvey Pekar

Digging through my pictures, I remembered this one from May 2005, when author Harvey Pekar was in Baltimore to present a screening of The Bicycle Thief at MICA's Falvey Auditorium as part of the Maryland Film Festival's Guest Host program. (Harvey is the good-looking guy in the middle - I don't know who that bottle-blond hippie dude next to him is). Harvey was there with his wife Joyce Brabner and they were both very approachable and gracious. Harvey talked about his health struggles, which were documented in the graphic novel Our Cancer Year that he co-wrote with his wife and illustrator Frank Stack. And Harvey talked about films in general, and his 2003 American Splendor bio-pic in particular. Harvey was also nice enough to autograph my copy of American Splendor.

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